
2018 6月9日至12日 广州国际照明展览会 未来论VIP通道

邢远 发表于 2018-4-18 23:18:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题


邢远 发表于 2018-4-18 23:28:33 | 显示全部楼层





建筑师、设计师、策划人员/ 工程师、房地产开发商、楼宇 / 物业管理机构、建筑承建商 / 装潢装修公司、电力电气公司、广告业、景观工程、协会机构
进口商、出口商、批发商 / 分销商、零售商、制造商、代理商、连锁店、百货公司、采购办事处、网上零售商、行业终端用户 (如酒店、表演场所、体育赛事场馆、商场、银行、车站、餐厅等)
建设 / 规划 / 科技 / 经贸 / 市政 / 发改部门、采购部门

照明控制系统、管理、 测量



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邢远 发表于 2018-4-18 23:29:32 | 显示全部楼层
The Convergent Future Forum 整合未来论坛:
6 月 9 – 11 日
展厅 4.1 对出,珠江散步道
Agenda at a Glance 议程一瞥 (09/06/2017)
Keynote Sessions: The Internet of Lights 主题演讲环节: 互联网下的照明行业
10:15 – 10:30
Opening Ceremony 开幕式及欢迎致辞

10:30 – 11:05
IoT Connected Street Lighting for Smart City 物联网路灯・智慧城市
Dr. Wu Chou IEEE Fellow,CTO of Gateway and Enterprise Network ,Huawei Network Product Line
周芜博士 IEEE院士 华为网络产品线首席技术官(交换机和企业网关)
11:05 – 11:40
The Internet of Lights and Smart City Development 物联网时代的的照明与智慧城市建设
Mr. Sunny Shen Head of Marketing, Philips Lighting (China)
沈晓晖先生 飞利浦照明大中华区市场部总经理
11:40 – 12:15
The New Value of Lighting in the “Post-LED” Era 后LED时代的照明新价值思考
Mr. Xiaoming Qi, Board Director, Vice GM and CTO, OPPLE Lighting Co., Ltd.
齐晓明先生 欧普照明股份有限公司董事兼副总经理、首席技术官
12:15 – 13:00
The Convergence of IoT with Smart Street Lighting 智能路灯与物联网的融合
Mr. Chris Johnston Regional Sales Manager - Asia Pacific, Telensa Ltd.
庄思栋先生 Telensa Ltd. 亚太区销售经理
Session Highlight: Wireless Mesh Network 亮点: 无线网状网络技术
13:30 - 14:00
Qualcomm BLEMesh: Great User Experience of Smart Lightings 无控而 "智"
Mr. Mason Song General Manager, Trusted Link Technology Limited
宋朔先生 深圳市芯联锐创科技有限公司总经理
14:00 - 14:30
Integration of Xlink IoT Platform with Lighting Industry 云智易物联网云平台与照明行业的融合
Ms. Sammy Lei CEO, Xlink IoT Platform
雷巧萍女士 云智易物联云平台行政总裁
Session Highlight: Li-Fi Technology 亮点:Li-Fi技术
14:30 - 15:00
Li-Fi Technology and Application Li-Fi 技术及应用
Prof. Nan Chi Fudan University
迟楠教授 复旦大学
15:00 - 15:30
Li-Fi - The Union of Light & Technology LI-Fi – 照明与技术的整合
Mr. Deepak Solanki Co-Founder & CEO, Velmenni
Deepak Solanki 先生 Velmenni 总裁
Session Highlight: Effective means for Smart Lighting – From Big Data to Smart Data 亮点:如何实现智慧照明 - 大数据及智能数据
15:30 – 16:00
Smart City: The Integration of Light and Internet 智能城市:照明与互联网技术的整合
Mr. Mengming Yao Head of Design, Philips Lighting (China)
姚梦明先生 飞利浦照明中国区照明设计和应用部总经理
16:00 – 16:30
Cyber Security for Smart Lighting 智能照明的网络安全
Mr. Magic Tong Assistant Technical Manager of Lighting, DEKRA Testing and Certification (Shanghai) Limited
童池兵先生 德凯质量认证上海有限公司灯具技术副经理
Session Highlight: Effective means for Smart Lighting – Smart Dimming and Control 亮点:如何实现智慧照明 - 智能调控
16:30 – 17:00  
Importance of Dimming Performance in Smart Lighting 调光性能及驱动是智能照明的取胜关键
Mr. Kelvin Kwong, Product Marketing Manager, GRE Alpha Electronics Ltd
Kelvin Kwong 先生 GRE Alpha Electronics Ltd 产品销售经理
17:00 – 17:30
Application of Smart Lighting & Case Study 智能照明应用及方案
Mr. Webster Chu Specifier Service & Application Support Manager - Asia Pacific, Xicato Inc.
朱奕伦先生 Xicato Inc. 照明设计业务发展及应用工程经理 - 亚太 区

Agenda at a Glance 议程一瞥 (10/06/2017)
Session Highlight: Smart Cities – The Future of Urban Lighting 亮点:智能城市与未来城市照明发展
10:00 – 10:30
Smart Cities Management under Urban LED Lighting System Case Studies 搭载于LED照明系统的智慧化城市管理与服务系统项目分享
Dr. Fangqin Yang Department of Physical Electronics, Fudan University
杨方勤博士 复旦大学物理电子学(半导体照明与智慧照明方向)
10:30 – 11:10
Smart Lighting for Smart Cities 智能城市及未来城市照明发展
Ms. Nikita Junagade Communication Manager, LUCI Association
Nikita Junagade 女士 LUCI 通讯经理
11:10 – 11:40
IoT Lighting Lights up Smart Cities 互联照明点亮智慧城市
Dr. Feng Huang Senior Expert, Philips Lighting (China) Investment Co. Ltd
黄峰博士 飞利浦照明(中国)投资有限公司创新部 高级专家
11:40 – 12:10
Development Trend of Smart Controlling Technology in Smart City 智控技术在智慧城市中的发展趋势
Mr. Min Pu Board Director & Vice President, Lumlux Lighting Inc.
浦敏先生 苏州纽克斯电源技术股份有限公司董事、副总经理
Session Highlight: Lighting & Digital Art - Have media façades become our modern urban monuments? 亮点:照明与数码艺术如何重新改造公共空间
13:00 – 13:30
Bringing Computational Design into Media Architecture - Research to Enable Architecture in the Second Machine Age 计算设计融合媒体建筑
Dr. M. Hank Haeusler Director, Media Architecture Institute
M • 汉克 • 霍伊斯勒 博士 Media Architecture Institute 总监
13:30 – 14:00
Luminous Facades 照明立面
Ms. Florence Lam Director, Ove Arup & Partners Ltd.
Florence Lam 女士 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd.总监
14:00 – 14:30
Space Creation in Digital Era 数字化场所营造
Prof. Zhigang Chang (PhD) School of Architecture, Central Academy of Fine Arts, China
常志刚先生 中央美术学院建筑学院副院长、教授
14:30 – 15:00
Topic to be confirmed 演讲主题待定
Mr. Maxime Houot Artistic Director, Collectif Coin
Maxime Houot先生 Collectif Coin艺术总监
15:00 – 15:30
Media Facades Design under Limited Budgets 从无限到有限成本管控下的商业建筑媒体立面设计
Mr. Alex Xu Chief Designer, Alex Xu & Partners International Design Consultant (H.K.) Co., Limited
徐清流先生 A&P普莱思国际照明设计顾问(香港)有限责任公司主持 设计师
15:30 – 16:10
Media Architecture and Landscape Lighting 媒体建筑与景观照明
Mr. Zhenzong Zhong Head of Landscape Lighting Department, SZUM
钟振宗先生 深圳市灯光环境管理中心景观照明部部长
Session Highlight: Lighting & Digital Art - The Colour and Lighting Technologies for Media Facades 亮点:照明与数码艺术色彩及技术
16:10 - 16:40
Application of Interactive Control System in Landscape Lighting 互动控制系统在景观照明中的应用
Mr. Steve Lau Deputy Head of the Institute of Intelligent Lighting, Hangzhou YD Illumination Co., Ltd
刘腾海先生 杭州勇电照明有限公司智能照明研究所副所长
16:40 – 17:10
Media Architecture and LED Application 媒体建筑及LED应用
Mr. Will Huang Head of ODM/ OEM Business StrongLED Lighting System Group
黄士豪先生 大峡谷照明系统集团ODM/OEM经理

Agenda at a Glance 议程一瞥 (11/06/2017)
Session Highlight: How the street lighting have been given a hi-tech makeover? 亮点:高科技街道照明发展前景
10:30 – 10:40
Opening Remarks 高科技街道照明发展前景总览

10:40 - 11:20
Smart Lighting: The Gateway to a Smarter City 智慧路灯,通往智慧城市的桥梁
Ms. Yunxia Feng Vice President, Fonda Technology Co., Ltd
丰云侠女士 浙江方大智控科技有限公司副总
11:20 - 12:00
Multi-classified LED Smart Controls by Ume-Link LED路灯控制的厂商痛点与优联方案
Mr. Philip Huang CEO, Zhejiang UMElink Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
黄健翔 先生 浙江优联智能科技有限公司总裁
Session Highlight: Wi-Fi Forum (Organized by Wi-Fi Alliance) 亮点:Wi-Fi 论坛 (由Wi-Fi Alliance 承办)
The forum focuses on the discussion on cross industry collaboration for smart home solutions. What will be the challenges brought forward? How to leverage other industry’s knowledge starting or shortening self-company exploring in the new field?
13:00 – 13:20
Wi-Fi overview Wi-Fi 总览
Mr. Jerry Huang Director, Greater China Region, Wi-Fi Alliance
黄家瑞先生 Wi-Fi Alliance大中华区总监
13:20 – 13:35
Smart with Wireless Connection 智慧无线网络链接
Mr. Qing Li CEO, Winner Micro
李庆先生 北京联盛德微电子有限责任公司总裁
13:35 – 13: 50
Cross Industry Collaboration 跨行业合作
Dr. Miao Wang Patent and Standard Director, Haier
王淼博士 海尔智慧生活平台标准专利部总监
13:50 – 14:05
The Smart Appliance Value-Add 智能家电增值功能
Mr. Jun Zhang IoT Standard Director, Midea
张军先生 美的集团智慧家居研究院产品标准总监
14:05 – 14:20
Smart Solution and Challenges 智能解决方案及挑战
Mr. Long Wang Department VP, Wi-Fi Spreadtrum Communications, Inc.
王泷先生 展讯通信有限公司副总裁
14:20 – 14:35
Smart Lighting 智慧照明
Mr. Yan Sun Standardization Committee, China Illuminating Engineering Society
孙彦先生 中国照明学会标准技术委员会委员
14:35 – 15:00
Roundtable 讨论环节
Moderator: Mr. Jerry Huang Director, Greater China Region, Wi-Fi Alliance
主持人: 黄家瑞先生 Wi-Fi Alliance大中华区总监
Session Highlight: IoT in Commercial Buildings – Connected Lighting & Beyond 亮点:商业照明及物联网融合-连接及未来发展
15:00 – 15:10
Opening Remarks 商业照明及物联网融合发展总览

15:10 – 15:50
Wireless and Sensing Technology Create New Value for Lighting System 无线及感应技术为照明系统带来的意义
Mr. Peng Xiao Technical Marketing Manager, Murata (China) Investment Co., Ltd
肖鹏先生 村田(中国)投资有限公司技术市场经理
15:50 – 16:20
Lighting in the Internet of Things 物联网下的照明行业
Mr. Tjaco Middel Head of R&D, Asia Pacific, Tridonic China
Tjaco Middel 先生 研发主管,锐高
THINKLIGHT Forum 「思索照明」论坛:
6 月 9 – 11 日
展厅 2.1 对出,珠江散步道
Agenda at a Glance 议程一瞥 (09/06/2017)
Session Highlight: Quality of Light 亮点:光品质
12:30 – 12:50
Forum Opening 论坛开幕致词
Mr. Richard Li General Manager, Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
李庆新先生 法兰克福展览(上海)有限公司
12:50 – 13:20
The Pursuit of High Quality Museum Lighting 追求博物馆高品质照明的方向
Ms. Jing Ai National Museum of China
艾晶女士 中国国家博物馆副研究员
13:20 – 14:00
Lighting Design with New LED Technology LED 技术与照明设计
Mr. Herbert Hans Cybulska Lighting Designer, Cybulska + Partners Lighting Solutions
Herbert Hans Cybulska 先生 Cybulska + Partners Lighting Solutions 照明设计师
14:00 – 14:30
The Quality of Light 光品质公共艺术光媒介
Mr. Rinck Hou Design Director, Shenzhen Guanghua Lighting Design Company
侯林楠先生 深圳光华联照明设计有限公司设计总监
14:30 – 15:10
Light Quality and Emotive Influence at Home 家居照明品质及其对情绪状态的影响
Ms. Adele Locke Director, Mint Lighting Design
Adele Locke 女士 Mint Lighting Design 总监
Session Highlight: Embedded Lighting 亮点:嵌入式照明
15:10 – 15:50
Embedded Lighting - The Future of Integrating Lighting into Architectural Systems 嵌入式照明 - 照明与建筑系统融合未来发展
Mr. Brad Koerner Creative Director, Philips Lighting
Brad Koerner 先生 飞利浦照明创意总监
15:50 – 16:20
Innovative Applications & Low Carbon Opportunity via Embedded Lighting Design 嵌入式灯具设计 :创新应用与低碳机遇
Mr. Dewitt Chik Founder, Witt Design Network
植观贤先生 意库创始人
16:20 – 16:50
Embedded Lighting at Home Case Study 融于家居与材料的嵌入式灯具设计案例
Mr. Yong-jin Ye Chief Designer, Jimmy Design
叶勇进先生 叶大师照明灯饰工作室首席设计师

Agenda at a Glance 议程一瞥 (10/06/2017)
Session Highlight: City Lighting 亮点:都市照明
A series of major events have taken place in China – to name a few, 2008 Summer Olympics (Beijing), Expo 2010 Shanghai China, the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games, 2016 G20 Hangzhou Summit. With the impending BRICS Summit (Xiamen) and Fortune Global Forum being the key player in the year of 2017, it’s more than evident that China is becoming the ‘go-to destination’ for global events. Major events tend to pose profound and extensive influence on urban construction in improving urban image, and at the same time providing the best opportunity to increase urban competitiveness. As lighting construction contributes greatly to urban image and night-time economy of the cities, the following topics will be addressed: How to leverage major events in developing urban value? In what way can we boost night-time economy of cities?
2008 年北京奥运会、2010 年上海世界博览会、2010 年的广州亚运会、2016 年的杭州G20 峰会,2017 年即将启动 的厦门金砖五国峰会和广州《财富》全球论坛等,标志着我国正在成为全球性重大事件青睐的“大市场”。 重大事件对于城市建设的影响是巨大而广泛的,更是改善城市形象、提高城市竞争力的最佳机会。照明建设在城市形 象、城市夜间经济起着举足轻重的作用,我们将要探讨如何利用重大事件打造城市价值?如何利用照明策划城市的夜 晚经济?
10:00 – 12:00
Topic to be confirmed 演讲主题待定
Representatives from AALD 由亚洲照明设计师协会承办
Session Highlight: Commercial Lighting (Organized by elicht) 亮点:商业照明工程 (由云知光承辦)
To highlight commercial space and characteristics of commodities in the purpose of opportunity exchange, it’s essential for commercial lighting to draw attention between the interaction of both human and commodities as well as human and light continuously now and in the future, which perhaps is the biggest potential for lighting under commercial space. Where opportunity lies the most, precision lighting with the focus on commercial lighting targeting specific fractionized field is of the uttermost importance to fulfill the business case. As such, we will also put the topics under the spotlight: how to realize the value of commercial lighting and how lighting helps develop company image and raise growth in the capital value of the business?
在现在以及未来, 商业照明需要更加注重人与商品的互动以及人与光的互动, 突显商业的空间和商品的特色, 促进 商机转换, 或许是照明在商业空间中最大的潜力所在,而作为交易最密集的地方, 商业照明中针对不同细分领域的精 准照明可以更好地实现这一价值,其重要性不言而喻。 那么,商业照明的价值如何体现,照明如何提升企业形象、增加企业的资产价值?
13:00 – 13:30
Registration 签到

13:30 - 14:00
Why Lighting Design is Essential for Commercial Space? 商业空间为什么要照明设计?
王嘉先生 悦森照明设计总监 云知光特约讲师
How to Map out the Strategic Lighting Design? 商业照明是怎么套路你的?
符浩然先生 光赋照明设计总监 云知光特约讲师
How Optical Design Increases Value of the Product? 灯具的光学设计如何提升商品价值?
章道波先生 照明工程师、18年照明行业经验
Methods to build up the DNA of Lighting Products, and Case Studies of Commercial Lighting Industrial Design 灯具产品DNA的建立方法及商业灯具工业设计案例分析
张欣女士 广东工业大学艺术设计学院 副教授
Reality Check: Where are We with Lighting and Smart Lighting Market 照明和智能照明产业的现状
王珅先生 IHS Markit 照明与LED 高级分析师云知光专栏作者
16:00 – 16:30
Q & A Session 互动问答环节

Agenda at a Glance 议程一瞥 (11/06/2017)
Session Highlight: Human – Centric Lighting 亮点:以人为本的照明
10:00 – 10:30
High Quality LED Lighting 高品质LED照明
陈华先生 深圳市瑞丰光电子股份有限公司产品总监
10:30 – 11:00
Life Art and Healthy Lighting 灯光设计中的艺术与健康的融合
Mr. Carry Yu General Manager/ Design Director, CSLC
余显开先生 函润(国际)照明设计顾问有限公司总经理/设计总监
11:00 – 11:40
The Human Side of Light and Lighting Design - We don't design for lux meters 以人为本照明设计
Mr. Martin Klaasen Director, Klaasen Lighting Design
Martin Klaasen 先生 Klaasen Lighting Design 总监
11:40 – 12:20
The Human Centric Lighting – Lighting and Wellness 以人为本照明- 照明与健康
Mr. Freddy Lim Design Director, Lightcraft Ambience Architecture Sdn Bhd
林永祯先生 Lightcraft Ambience Architecture Sdn Bhd 设计总 监
Session Highlight: LED Applications 亮点:LED 应用
13:00 – 13:40
UV LED Technology and Market Trends UV LED 技术及市场趋势
Mr. Carlos Lee Director General, European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC)
Carlos Lee 先生 欧洲光电产业协会(EPIC)总监
13:40 – 14:20
Recent Advancements in Optical Moldable Silicones for General Lighting and Special Applications 可注塑光学有机硅在通用及特殊照明领域的最新成果
Mr. Konstantin Sobolev Global Segment Leader Dow Corning
Konstantin Sobolev 先生 道康宁
Session Highlight: Horticultural Lighting 亮点:园艺照明
14:20 – 15:00
Winning in Horticulture with LUXEON SunPlus Series 赢在园艺照明:LUXEON SunPlus系列
Mr. Harris Ho Business Development Director – Asia Pacific Region, Lumileds
何均雄先生 Lumileds亚太区市场总监
15:00 – 15:40
How to expand plant lighting’s market? 植物照明市场如何做?
Mr. Edward Hong Founder, Guangdong iGreen Bio Tech Co Ltd
洪燕南先生 广东绿爱生物科技股份有限公司创始人
15:40 – 16:20
Growth Strategy of Lighting Business in Japan 日本的照明市场成长战略
Mr. Seiji Monda General Manager, Japan Lighting Manufacturers Association
门田诚司先生 日本照明工业会一般社团法人
16:20 – 16:50
Smart LED Lighting and Environment Control for Plant Factory 植物工场智慧LED照明及环境控制
Prof. Toyoki Kozai President, Japan Plant Factory Association
古在丰树教授 日本植物工场研究会主席
16:50 – 17:10
Production of High Added Value Vegetables in LED Plant Factory LED植物工场蔬菜种植
Mr. Kenji Nakamura General Manager, ESPEC MIC CORP. Environmental Monitoring Division, ESPEC MIC Corp.
中村谦治先生 ESPEC MIC Corp.环境监控部总经理


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