

邢远 发表于 2015-8-11 20:29:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题

ETS4 Product Data

This section contains the product data files for importing into the ETS4 commissioning software as one download file for the complete ABB i-bus® KNX product range as well as for individual products.

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Download all products ABB i-bus® KNX, divided into two parts:

Download all products ABB i-bus® KNX, divided into two parts:

ets4.jpg Part 1: Order Code 2CDG... and GH...2015-07-08
43 MB
ets4.jpg Part 2: Order Code 61... and 69...2013-08-13
24 MB

Download according to product:

   Product Name             Type             Date             Size            Version         
ets4.jpg KNX Security Panel, SMGM/A8.12015-07-06
ets4.jpg DALI Light Controller, 4-fold, SMDLR/A4.8.1.12015-06-29
ets4.jpg DALI Light Controller, 8-fold, MDRCDLR/S8.16.1M2015-06-29
ets4.jpg Weather Unit, MDRCWZ/S1.3.1.22015-06-29
ets4.jpg Weather Station, 4-fold, MDRCWS/S4.1.1.22015-05-21
ets4.jpg Fan Coil Actuator, PWM, MDRCFCA/S1.1.1.22015-04-27
ets4.jpg Fan Coil Actuator, PWM, Manual Op., MDRCFCA/S1.1.2.22015-04-27
ets4.jpg Fan Coil Actuator, 0-10V, MDRCFCA/S1.2.1.22015-04-27
ets4.jpg Fan Coil Actuator, 0-10V, Manual Op., MDRCFCA/S1.2.2.22015-04-27
ets4.jpg Security Terminal, 4-fold, MDRCMT/S4.12.2M2015-04-23
ets4.jpg Security Terminal, 8-fold, MDRCMT/S8.12.2M2015-04-23
ets4.jpg Security Terminal, 2-fold, FMMT/U2.12.22015-04-23
ets4.jpg Security Module, MDRCSCM/S1.12015-04-23
ets4.jpg Telephone Gateway, Analogue, MDRCTG/S3.22015-04-23
ets4.jpg Universal Dim Actuator, 2-fold, 300 VA, MDRCUD/S2.300.22015-04-17
ets4.jpg Analogue Input, 4-fold, MDRCAE/S4.1.1.32015-02-23
ets4.jpg Room Controller, Basis Device for 8 Modules, SMRC/A8.22015-01-29
ets4.jpg Analogue Input, 4-fold, MDRCAE/S4.22015-01-08
ets4.jpg Fan Coil Actuator, 0-10V, Manual Op., MDRCFCA/S1.2.2.12015-01-08
ets4.jpg Light Controller, 2-fold, 16 A, 1-10V, MDRCLR/S2.16.12015-01-08
ets4.jpg Light Controller, 4-fold, 16 A, 1-10V, MDRCLR/S4.16.12015-01-08
ets4.jpg Room Master, Basic, MDRCRM/S1.12015-01-08
ets4.jpg Room Master, Premium, MDRCRM/S2.12015-01-08
ets4.jpg Room Master, MDRCRM/S3.12015-01-08
ets4.jpg Blind / Roller Shutter Actuator, 2-fold, 230 V AC, MDRCJRA/S2.230.1.12014-10-20
ets4.jpg Blind / Roller Shutter Actuator with Manual Operation, 2-fold, 230 V AC, MDRCJRA/S2.230.2.12014-10-20
ets4.jpg Blind / Roller Shutter Actuator with Travel Detection and Manual Operation, 2-fold, 230 V AC, MDRCJRA/S2.230.5.12014-10-20
ets4.jpg Blind / Roller Shutter Actuator, 4-fold, 230 V AC, MDRCJRA/S4.230.1.12014-10-20
ets4.jpg Blind / Roller Shutter Actuator with Manual Operation, 4-fold, 230 V AC, MDRCJRA/S4.230.2.12014-10-20
ets4.jpg Blind / Roller Shutter Actuator with Travel Detection and Manual Operation, 4-fold, 230 V AC, MDRCJRA/S4.230.5.12014-10-20
ets4.jpg Blind / Roller Shutter Actuator with Travel Detection and Manual Operation, 4-fold, 24 V DC, MDRCJRA/S4.24.5.12014-10-20
ets4.jpg Blind / Roller Shutter Actuator, 8-fold, 230 V AC, MDRCJRA/S8.230.1.12014-10-20
ets4.jpg Blind / Roller Shutter Actuator with Manual Operation, 8-fold, 230 V AC, MDRCJRA/S8.230.2.12014-10-20
ets4.jpg Blind / Roller Shutter Actuator with Travel Detection and Manual Operation, 8-fold, 230 V AC, MDRCJRA/S8.230.5.12014-10-20
ets4.jpg Valve Drive Actuator, 12-fold, 230 V, MDRCVAA/S12.230.2.12014-09-19
ets4.jpg Valve Drive Actuator, 6-fold, 230 V, MDRCVAA/S6.230.2.12014-09-19
ets4.jpg Power Supply, 160 mA, MDRCSV/S
ets4.jpg Power Supply, 320 mA, MDRCSV/S 30.320.1.12014-08-27
ets4.jpg Power Supply, 640 mA, MDRCSV/S 30.640.3.12014-08-27
ets4.jpg Power Supply with diagnostics, 320 mA, MDRCSV/S30.320.2.12014-08-27
ets4.jpg Power Supply with diagnostics, 640 mA, MDRCSV/S30.640.5.12014-08-27
ets4.jpg DALI Gateway, 1-fold, Group Control, MDRCDG/S1.16.12014-07-30
ets4.jpg DALI Gateway with Emergency Lighting Control, 1-fold, 16Group, MDRCDGN/S1.16.12014-07-30
ets4.jpg Switch Actuator, 12-fold, 16 A, MDRCSA/S12.16.2.12014-07-30
ets4.jpg Switch Actuator, 12-fold, 16/20 AX, C-Load, MDRCSA/S12.16.5.12014-07-30
ets4.jpg Switch Actuator with Current Detection, 12-fold, 16/20 AX, C-Load, MDRCSA/S12.16.6.12014-07-30
ets4.jpg Switch Actuator, 12-fold, 6 A, MDRCSA/S12.6.1.12014-07-30
ets4.jpg Switch Actuator, 12-fold, 6A, with manual operation, MDRCSA/S12.6.2.12014-07-30
ets4.jpg Switch Actuator, 2-fold, 16 A, MDRCSA/S2.16.2.12014-07-30
ets4.jpg Switch Actuator, 2-fold, 16/20 AX, C-Load, MDRCSA/S2.16.5.12014-07-30
ets4.jpg Switch Actuator with Current Detection, 2-fold, 16/20 AX, C-Load, MDRCSA/S2.16.6.12014-07-30
ets4.jpg Switch Actuator, 2-fold, 6A, with manual operation, MDRCSA/S2.6.2.12014-07-30
ets4.jpg Switch Actuator, 4-fold, 16 A, MDRCSA/S4.16.2.12014-07-30
ets4.jpg Switch Actuator, 4-fold, 16/20 AX, C-Load, MDRCSA/S4.16.5.12014-07-30
ets4.jpg Switch Actuator with Current Detection, 4-fold, 16/20 AX, C-Load, MDRCSA/S4.16.6.12014-07-30
ets4.jpg Switch Actuator, 4-fold, 6 A, MDRCSA/S4.6.1.12014-07-30
ets4.jpg Switch Actuator, 4-fold, 6A, with manual operation, MDRCSA/S4.6.2.12014-07-30
Switch Actuator, 8-fold, 16 A, MDRCSA/S8.16.2.12014-07-30
Switch Actuator, 8-fold, 16/20 AX, C-Load, MDRCSA/S8.16.5.12014-07-30
Switch Actuator with Current Detection, 8-fold, 16/20 AX, C-Load, MDRCSA/S8.16.6.12014-07-30
Switch Actuator, 8-fold, 6 A, MDRCSA/S8.6.1.12014-07-30
Switch Actuator, 8-fold, 6A, with manual operation, MDRCSA/S8.6.2.12014-07-30
Universal Interface, 2-fold, FMUS/U2.22014-07-11
Universal Interface, 4-fold, FMUS/U4.22014-07-11
Switch Actuator, 12-fold, 10 AX, MDRCSA/S12.10.2.12014-06-13
Switch Actuator, 2-fold, 10 AX, MDRCSA/S2.10.2.12014-06-13
Switch Actuator, 4-fold, 10 AX, MDRCSA/S4.10.2.12014-06-13
Switch Actuator, 8-fold, 10 AX, MDRCSA/S8.10.2.12014-06-13
KNX/EnOcean Gateway, SMEG/A32.2.12014-06-11
Universal I/O Concentrator, 32-fold, MDRCUK/S32.22014-06-05
Meter Interface Module, MDRCZS/S1.12014-05-26
Energy Actuator, 3-fold, 16/20 AX, C-Load, MDRCSE/S3.16.12014-04-28
Room Controller, Basis Device for 4 Modules, SMRC/A4.22014-04-09
Blower Actuator, 1-fold, 6 A, MDRCFCL/S1.6.1.12014-03-06
Blower Actuator, 2-fold, 6A, MDRCFCL/S2.6.1.12014-03-06
Shutter Actuator with Manual Operation, 4-fold, SMI, MDRCJA/S4.SMI.1M2014-03-06
DALI Gateway, 1-fold, MDRCDG/S1.12014-02-26
DALI Gateway, 8-fold, MDRCDG/S8.12014-02-26
Room Master, MDRCRM/S4.12013-12-05
Electronic Switch Actuator, 4-fold, 1 A, MDRCES/S4.1.2.12013-11-20
Electronic Switch Actuator, 8-fold, 1 A, MDRCES/S8.1.2.12013-11-20
Analogue Input, 2-fold, SMAE/A2.12013-08-15
Data Logging Unit, MDRCBDB/S1.12013-08-15
Energy Module, 3-fold, 16/20 A, MDRCEM/S3.16.12013-08-15
EIB Monitoring Unit, MDRCEUB/S1.12013-08-15
Fan Coil Actuator, MDRCFCA/S1.1M2013-08-15
IO-Actuator, 4fold, MDRCIO/S4.6.1.12013-08-15
IO-Actuator, 8fold, MDRCIO/S8.6.1.12013-08-15
IP Router, MDRCIPR/S2.12013-08-15
IP Interface, MDRCIPS/S2.12013-08-15
Shutter Control Unit, MDRCJSB/S1.12013-08-15
Line Coupler, MDRCLK/S4.22013-08-15
Logic Module, MDRCLM/S1.12013-08-15
SMI Blind and Roller Shutter Actuator, 4-fold, LoVo, MDRCSJR/S4.24.2.12013-08-15
Fault Monitoring Unit, MDRCSMB/S1.12013-08-15
Weather Unit, MDRCWZ/S1.12013-08-15
USB Interface, MDRCUSB/S1.12013-06-25
Radio Time Switch, 8-channel, MDRCFW/S8.2.12013-06-17
Outside Light Sensor Interface, MDRCHS/S 4.2.12013-06-17
Electromotor Valve DriveST/K1.12013-03-25
Air Quality Sensor, SMLGS/A1.12012-12-12
Binary Input, 4-fold, Contact Scanning, MDRCBE/S4.20.2.12012-10-15
Binary Input, 4-fold, 10-230 V, MDRCBE/S4.230.2.12012-10-15
Binary Input, 8-fold, Contact Scanning, MDRCBE/S8.20.2.12012-10-15
Binary Input, 8-fold, 10-230 V, MDRCBE/S8.230.2.12012-10-15
Universal Interface, 12-fold, FMUS/U12.22012-08-30
Switch/Dim Actuator, 2-fold, 16 A, MDRCSD/S2.16.12011-10-12
Switch/Dim Actuator, 4-fold, 16 A, MDRCSD/S4.16.12011-10-12
Switch/Dim Actuator, 8-fold, 16 A, MDRCSD/S8.16.12011-10-12
Valve Drive Actuator, 6-fold, 24 V, SMVAA/A6.24.12011-09-21
Application Unit Logic, MDRCABL/S2.12010-08-27
Application Unit Time, MDRCABZ/S2.12009-05-06
Interface to Alarm Panel L240, MDRCXS/S1.12008-10-28
Weather Station, 4-fold, MDRCWS/S4.12007-09-03
Battery Module, 12 V DC, MDRCAM/S12.12007-07-06
Cable Set, ExtensionKS/K2.12007-07-06
Cable Set, BasicKS/K4.12007-07-06
Power Supply, 160 mA, MDRCSV/S30.160.52007-07-06
Analogue Actuator, 4-fold, MDRCAA/S4.12007-02-16
Fan Coil Controller, MDRCFC/S1.12005-03-23
Uninterruptible Power Supply, 640 mA, MDRCSU/S30.640.12005-03-23



失忆的天空2 发表于 2015-8-19 13:20:29 | 显示全部楼层
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bioe 发表于 2018-3-3 15:44:27 | 显示全部楼层
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bioe 发表于 2018-3-13 15:56:42 | 显示全部楼层
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